Object-oriented programming is the transfer of the objects around us to the computer environment. For example, being able to monitor our household items with a computer and operating them remotely are examples of object-oriented programming.


What is the object?


They are components that contain methods that store, manage and process data. They can be used unchanged and only take up memory space.


Properties of Object-Oriented Programming


Object-oriented programming includes 4 distinct features:


  1. Abstraction
  2. Encapsulation
  3. Inheritance
  4. Polymorphism


Abstraction: Since each object has its own class, defining the behaviors and properties in a class is abstraction. For example, there are certain classes of white appliances and there are special colors, features and models for these classes.


Encapsulation: Abstracted behaviors and properties are encapsulated by an object-oriented program. Together with the encapsulation feature, it is decided which feature or behavior will be presented or not. For example, personal data is encapsulated and the capsule is left open because it is used with object-oriented programming. The storage of this information is called encapsulation.

Inheritance: Indicates that classes can derive from each other. For example, if there are two different white appliances and they have the same characteristics, different codes are not used, considering that they are inherited, and the same codes are used for two products. These codes, which facilitate the function of the software, are very important.


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Polymorphism: Generally, subclasses are expected to show the same features as the upper class, but sometimes subclasses do not show the same features, which is called polymorphism. For example, new smart vacuum cleaners and normal vacuum cleaners are similar to each other in terms of function, but one is used automatically while the other is used manually. This is called polymorphism.


Advantages of Object-Oriented Programming


  1. It facilitates the use of objects in our lives.
  2. Since certain classes are created, there is no need to write too much code.
  3. When you want to make changes to the object, it is only necessary to make changes within the class, not the whole program.
  4. Information hiding features are higher. Two objects cannot access each other’s information.
  5. It prevents code repetition and increases the efficiency of the program process.


As a result, Object-Oriented Programming (OOP) makes a great contribution in making our lives and programming easier. If you need a website or mobile application to bring your business or individual ideas to life, contact us! [email protected]