With the announcement by Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg that Facebook has changed its company name to “Meta”, referring to the concept of “Metaverse”, and that in the future they want to create a virtual environment where people can enter and exit via augmented reality technology, the meaning and scope of the concept of metaverse has become the focus of the technology world.
What is Metaverse? When Did It Appear? What Does It Mean?
The concept of metaverse is not actually a concept that emerged with Facebook. The concept of metaverse was first mentioned in Neal Stephenson’s science-fiction novel “Snow Crash” published in 1992, which describes a virtual world called “Metaverse” where the avatars are representing all of the characters that are present.
In order to understand what the concept of metaverse means, it is very important to know what the word means. This concept of Greek origin, consisting of 2 words meta and verse, “Meta” means beyond, “Verse” means universe and the concept means that is “Beyond the Universe”.

Microsoft defines the metaverse as a virtual environment in which objects, places, and people are represented in a digital environment. Facebook, on the other hand, defined the metaverse as the next evolution of social connections, as a mixture of virtual world and real world, a virtual environment where people can socialize and interact with the integrated operation of augmented reality and virtual reality technologies in 3D environments, via smart glasses.
In short, the metaverse is a new dimension where all virtual environments are combined such as games, meetings and shopping and are interwined the real world and virtual world that people can experience virtual and real environments simultaneously via augmented reality and virtual reality technologies.
It is thought that the Covid-19 pandemic have huge role on the emergence of this new technology and reality dimension. During the pandemic, with the real world moving completely or partially to digital environments and experiencing problems in socialization are tended to be work the technology giants such as Microsoft, Facebook and Nvidia on field of metaverse that can be a savior for individuals and companies. Even Zoom, the video conferencing platform that has increased its importance after the pandemic, has also reported that it has started its efforts to take part in metaverse digital work environments.
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