The next era of the Internet. Web 3.0 is a shift towards a more adjusted Internet. Also, the Metaverse is the real-time, activity-based Internet. With the interoperability of web 3.0 and the Metaverse, the seeds of the future already exist.
The Metaverse concept is an online, 3D universe that combines multiple different virtual spaces. Let’s imagine this as a future iteration of the internet. This concept will allow users to meet, work, game, and socialize together in the 3D spaces.
Web3 demonstrates itself through new technologies, such as virtual and augmented reality, cryptocurrencies, AI, smart investments, and so on. Empowered by new technologies, the Web3 is about creating a collective Internet that works for people owned by also people.

Activity-Based Internet: The Metaverse
The Metaverse concept was seen as a science-fiction by Neal Stepheson some decades ago, but now it could be a reality in the near future. The idea of “Multiple platforms that are similar to the internet that accommodates different websites accessible through a single browser is connected” is on its way to becoming true in the Metaverse.
As a combination of bound-up cryptosystems, VR headset in your virtual office, and blockchain-based games, Web3 is in the center of the Metaverse too. All with these new terms and spaces, the sense of digital self will be heightened by the Metaverse. Brand-new personal expressions will occur creativity and new forms of characters will prepare us for fulfilling experiences. For instance, augmented reality will drive the Metaverse with specific avatars for every user.
Why Web 3.0?
The need for web 3.0 as the hallmark trait of the Internet was the democratization of information. But right now, the information reliability level is rapidly decreasing. Harmful information, fake accounts, siloed knowledge, and bad-featured bots could be counted. Also, realistic human faces created by AI will create even bigger problems for society through identity theft. With the virality; a number of digital viruses, false news’ travel speed also rises via its extreme implications. Now, let’s check the evaluation of the web regardless of looking at all those negative sides.
Web 1.0
Web 1.0 is also known as Internet 1.0 or the Client/Server Model. A centralized computing and information storage model is used in this version. Like the original World Wide Web, it is built upon open-source such as Linux, permissionless development, and open standards like HTML/HTTP. A single computer system is involved in storing and managing data with no real-time communication between computers. In the first version of WWW; e-commerce, pay-per-impression, web portals & directories, software licenses, and proprietary hardware took a place heavily.
Web 2.0
The second version of the web is referred to as Web 2.0, which is an It was all about using a decentralized data model, a large-scale network of computers, and enabling real-time communication between them. Most of Web 2 was built on Web1 technologies or benefitted from it. In the second version of WWW; in-game purchases, referrals, subscription content, app stores, SaaS, pay per click and marketplaces took a place more.
The largest Web 2 companies were built on the same open and standards-based environments that enabled Web1. But to enable social connection and content creation, walled-garden ecosystems were created. The FAANG companies could count (Facebook, Amazon, Apple, Netflix, and Google) as creative examples that built walled-gardens for social networking and user-generated content. A walled-garden or with its other name “closed platform” is a software system in which the carrier or service provider has control over applications, content, media and restricts appropriate access to unapproved applicants or content. For this reason, closed platforms are successful because these platforms could facilitate the work and provide access to a very large audience.
“We are seeing the beginning of things. Web 2.0 is broadband. Web 3.0 is a web of data.”
– Mike Loukides, Editor O’Reilly Radar
Web 3.0
The next step in the World Wide Web is with Web 3.0 features such as smart contracts, decentralized applications named Dapps, and blockchain will have a place. Features of Web3 that will change this paradigm with these factors: value exchange rather than simply information exchange, self-sovereignty, and the re-decentralization of the Internet.
With the smart contracts on blockchains; a high degree of emergent creativity, communities, and companies could become software applications in this ecosystem. From the self-sovereignty perspective; by using a digital wallet such as Metamask or Phantom, your wallet will become your identity, which allows you to use various decentralized applications on the internet that need to interact with your currencies and property. Rather than using large, centralized authorities such as Facebook or Google login. Regarding re-decentralization, the idea is; that with web3, the power shifts back to individual users, creators, and application developers to reach far fewer centralized authorities.

According to Tim-Berners Lee, it changes how we access information and it will decentralize the internet to evaluate the web as it should be. In the new version of the web, there will be a bunch of improvements and benefits for users, businesses, and enterprises. The contrary of Web1 and Web2, Web 3.0 as Semantic Web will be more portable and more focused on live streams, smart applications, user behaviors, user engagement, behavioral advertising, and consolidating content. Also, HTML, XML, and RSS are most likely to be replaced with OWL which is a vocabulary built with RDF and RDFS vocabularies that provide new terms for creating more detailed descriptions of resources.
Web2 Companies vs. Web3 Protocols
For different topics, let’s have a glance at Web3 protocols aiming to replace or complete with Web2 companies. From the data storage and web hosting perspective; Amazon web services, S3 and dropbox could count in Web2. Sia, Filecoin, and Arweave for Web3. Data processing and information markets were led by Google and Snowflake in Web 2, but particularly Ocean, after that Erasure and Streamr for Web3. As domain name systems, Verisign, Icann, and GoDaddy took a large part in Web2. For Web 3, Handshake, ENS, and Unstoppable Domains will be there. Lastly, applications for music, content, and talent as all we know Spotify, Medium and Upwork ranked as priors as Web2. Audius, Mirror, and products like Braintrust will have a place on Web3.
WebAssembly and Web3
“WebAssembly – abbreviated as Wasm- is a binary instruction format for a stack-based virtual machine. Wasm is designed as a portable compilation target for programming languages, enabling deployment on the web for client and server applications.”
WebAssembly describes a memory-safe, sandboxed execution environment that may even be implemented inside existing JavaScript virtual machines. As an open and debuggable standard, it is designed to be pretty-printed in a textual format for debugging, testing, experimenting, optimizing, learning, teaching, and writing programs by hand. Being a part of the open web platform, WebAssembly is designed to maintain the versionless, feature-tested, and backward-compatible nature of the web. WebAssembly is maintained to allow bytecode to be delivered directly to your web browser. Consider this as shipping “apps” to your browser, rather than depending on app store ecosystems. If there is a web browser that runs, computers, smartphones, and VR/AR headsets could run too.
Through Web3’s three patterns; self-sovereignty, value exchange, and decentralization WebAssembly has the potential to change the application store ecosystems.
Relation of Web3, Digital Identity, and the Metaverse
As users’ experience tools their avatars that are connected to an interoperable framework, will be more than their digital identities. As the next-generation creative framework is provided by Web3, “play-to-earn” (P2E) will be more common in the metaverse regarding those digital identities. Unbundling and rebundling are already there, but within Web3, this will become a way to earn money in the future. And this will be binding for all sectors like creativity, competition, guiding, live roleplaying, performance, and so on. Also, new forms of bundling and unbundling will occur soon. In short, in all these economic changes an interoperable framework is needed. This will be Web3.

From Serverless to Distributed Blockchain Computing
Serverless software is a software development pattern that allows data storage and other server-authoritative functions to occur in the cloud. This pattern helps developers and builders not to consider the backend scalability, DevOps, deployment, and other typical full-stack functions. In general, serverless architectures run on top of SaaS frameworks operated from within centralized architectures. Also, these architectures have the opportunity to transform a fully-decentralized future. The management of the distributed immutable ledger is one of the main use cases of Distributed Computing in Blockchain. Distributed Computing ensures that every node in the network has a copy of the blockchain. And that it is updated in real-time when a transaction takes place.
The benefit of providing server-authoritative functions would be that customers would have fewer dependencies on centralized vendors, and the cost of providing these microservices can be optimized according to what would be effectively an auction for the lowest-cost/highest-availability computing that’s available. These distributed computing nodes would most likely utilize on-chain methods for resolving rules and storing data which brings a brand-new need called “decentralizing”. New method and business model creator companies will be natives of the Web3 ecosystem that have an opportunity to win enormous value and prizes.
A World of Open Protocols
While it’s impossible to predict the future, one vision of a Web3 world has open-source protocols at the foundation while businesses act as interfaces that provide convenient access and additional features. Web3 is an internet that is open to all users. It is built on open protocols and transparent blockchain networks. In the Web3 world, data rights will be placed over the profits while it is protected and incentive mechanisms will help consumers to ensure that information is verifiable and trustworthy. In short, sovereign individuals will be prioritized in Web 3.0 regardless of the class distinction.
Microservices are known as microservice architecture. Microservice is an architectural style that structures an application as a collection of services that contains; highly maintainable and testable, loosely bonded, deploy independently, arranged around business capabilities, and owned by a small team. The microservice architecture enables rapid, frequent, and reliable delivery in the build of large, complex applications. It also enables an organization to evolve its technology stack.
Major Paradigm Shift: Blockchain & Enterprises
After evaluating some deep details about interoperability of the Metaverse and web 3.0, the topic of the future of enterprise security and its relationship with blockchain appears in our minds.
Nowadays, most companies are facing massive data & enterprise breaches and cyberattacks through large data losses. Towards the end of this article, a bunch of aspects that enterprises should consider to keep pace with this major paradigm shift are placed.
With Web3.0, there will be streamlined processes for businesses, and organizations. Companies could create and manage their contracts automatically through smart contracts while managing their supply chains easily. With blockchain’s smart contracts and decentralized applications, there is no need to involve third-party service providers in the business processes. With Web3.0, there will be streamlined processes for businesses, and organizations. Companies could create and manage their contracts automatically through smart contracts while managing their supply chains easily.

With blockchain’s smart contracts and decentralized applications, there is no need to involve third-party service providers in the business processes. Web 3.0 technology will let every company owner take control of all in-house operations and interact directly with customers without external factors. Web 3.0 helps companies reduce infrastructure costs with its decentralized architecture and unchangeable ledger systems. Enterprises could use a cheaper infrastructure to store data on a decentralized system while accessing real-time information in the Metaverse.
Devices in the businesses are becoming progressively exposed to collecting and sharing data. Thanks to the Internet of things going mainstream, IoT devices become more commonplace. On the contrary, this means enterprises should contend with more hackers by using AI-powered intelligent enterprise security systems.
Many organizations nowadays rely on governance, availability, arrangement, and analysis of the data. Generating and managing this data truly is the key to understanding the behaviors of the customer, predicting them easily, and analyzing the rivalry. Within the accurate, accessible, and available data which is encrypted safely; enterprises could unlock insights about even the flaws of the competitors. So, we can call the data as the new oil.
Businesses can maintain a record of their transactions and supply-chain activities through the decentralized ledger which helps gain trust and loyalty in sales-related operations. On Web3, every transaction becomes more accountable and is named end-to-end transparency.
In short, The Metaverse’s cooperation with Web 3.0 is the elephant in the corner for all firms and companies as a chance to make radical changes. Now, are you excited to actualize your ground-breaking software ideas to break barriers to being a future-proof enterprise? Cool Digital‘s unique perspective and enthusiastic team will be there for you!
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